
Steganography Application with JavaFX

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Was playing with JavaFX controls, Timeline, and Animations, and I decided to remake my Steganography application to give smoother UI and some fancy animation into the GUI.

JavaFX Steganography Encode Panel

Along with the GUI changes, Steganography algorithm is also optimized a bit, eliminating Base64 encoding before embedding to image, thus eliminating the needs of (twice) 130% data growth because of Base64.

And also, the stegano password is now stored inside the image host, not in plain text for sure, but I’m not using the most secure algorithm. This way, the application can determine if the password entered while decoding (or extract) data out of image, is correct. But of course, the core Steganography code was originally made by some folks on the Internet, modified to suit my needs. Here’s the video demo.

As I am not completely rewrite the application core, therefore it will have the same functionalites as before. But sure, Application interface is having the most changes as before, as the GUI framework is now JavaFX, instead of Swing.


Make sure you have Java 7 (with JavaFX 2) installed, then grab the Windows Executable File or Jar File.